Kategorie: Allgemein

Trust in Tech – Forward Looking Threat Research und Cybercrime Defense

White Hats,
at May 8, 2019 we will have Trend Micro in the house with two talks around Threat Research and Cybercrime and Vulnerability Research in the white marked.

#1: : Forward Looking Threat Research und Cybercrime Defense

Martin Rösler, Senior Director Forward Looking Threat Research has been with Trend Micro since 2002. Directly reporting to the CTO Rösler covers research on technology and latest Internet threats.

For the past ten years he has been the head of the Forward looking Threat Research Team of Trend Micro. In charge of underground research, eCrime investigation services and global law enforcement collaboration, his team was involved in multiple successful take down and arrest activities against cyber criminals with different police units around the globe (including Japan, EMEA and North America).

Before that, Rösler was head of Trend Micro’s global technical support operation and the regional Trend labs.

He holds a Dipl-Ing.(FH) degree in civil engineering and is working in computer security since around 1990 when he operated the “Virus Help Munich” FIDO BBS and moderated the VIRUS.GER newsgroup.

#2: : Hacking für die Guten – Schwachstellenforschung im weißen Markt und die Zero Day Initative

Als Business Consultant bringt Richard Werner den IT-Sicherheitsverantwortlichen größerer Unternehmenskunden die Strategie Trend Micros näher, speziell im Hinblick auf aktuelle Cyberbedrohungen. In dieser Rolle, die er seit Juni 2016 innehat, hält Werner zudem Vorträge und kommuniziert mit der Presse.

Davor verantwortete er als Regional Solution Manager die Einführung insbesondere der Cloud- und Rechenzentrumslösungen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Werner, der seit 2000 im Unternehmen ist, hatte beim japanischen IT-Sicherheitsanbieter bereits verschiedene leitende Positionen im technischen Bereich inne, vorwiegend im Post- und Presales-Support: Er war unter anderem Leiter des Presales-Teams sowie Senior Sales Engineer.

Vor seiner Zeit bei Trend Micro sammelte Richard Werner Berufserfahrung in der Lebensmittel- und der Logistikbranche.

Aktuelle Informationen zum Meetup findet ihr hier

Bis zum 8. Mai,

Trust in Tech – Modern Secure Workplace Summit

Dear White-Hats,

thank you all for your participation at the Modern Secure Workplace Summit. Special thanks to our Speakers: David James, Mirko Colemberg, Kenny Buntinx, Oliver Kieselbach and Eric Soldierer. We are definetly enriched with their outstanding knowledge end expertise. Deep insiders to current and upcoming Configuration Manager releases, News from the Microsoft Ignite, Beer Brewing and the role of Modern Management. Now we all have the Big Picture of Modern Secure Workplaces, right?!

Trust in Tech thanks for the positive feedback that continues to reach us via different channels. As a special gift we have the first part ouf our recap with comments from our amazing speakers:

 After Trust in Tech is before Trust in Tech

we want to take opportunity to present you a TiT with one of the most demanded Topics:

Trust in Tech – Active Directory Security 

December, 12th.



Identities are an crucial part in modern attack scenarios and impersonate identities is one of the main goals for an attacker.
In the first part of this meetup we will guide you through the basics of building an Active Directory, where we explain roles and services. In the 2nd part we then talk about, how an attacker can start his lateral movement with compromised accounts, using pass the hash attacks and golden tickets, to reach their end game goals and getting persistence in the companies network. In the 3rd part we’ll than discuss the latest and greatest in identity protection where we introduce you to solutions like Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics and Azure Advanced Threat Protection – which are the enterprise solutions in Microsoft portfolio to protect, detect and respond to cyber attacks focused on identities.


Thomas von Fragstein:
Thomas works as an IT-Security Consultant at sepago GmbH since 2012 with a wide experience from configuring and securing Active Directory to migrating customers to Office 365. As customers awareness for detecting compromised identities is growing, Thomas has focused on helping customers to deploy Microsofts Adavanced Threat Analytics and Azure Advanced Threat Protection for identity protection.

Sven Bloch:
When Sven joined sepago GmbH his first task was to learn everything about Active Directory Domain Services and their features. Quickly, he built up experience in how to manage, deploy and protect an Active Directory.


Cologne is be the place to be, the exact Location will be announced soon…

Trust in Tech – Modern Secure Workplace Summit

Join us for our next event at November, 8th 2018 at Osmab Lounge in cologne.

Finally, we can announce our Trust in Tech – Modern Secure Workplace Summit on November 8th in Cologne. Where we are more than proud to have David James, Partner Director of Engineering for Configuration Manager at Microsoft with us. Besides many other high-profile speakers, he will deliver two sessions on the current and future releases of Configuration Manager. Join us for plenty of Microsoft Ignite announced material and expert lessons learned. We will guide you through the journey of modern management, enriched with the outstanding knowledge of our experts. Ask, share and discuss your daily challenges and take an active role in the development of further ConfigMgr releases.

David James | David will deliver two sessions on the current and future releases of Configuration Manager. In addition you have the chance to participate in the development of ConfigMgr as Djam challenges you to bring every question and feature ask to improve ConfigMgr.

Mirko Colemberg | Beer Brewing could be simple in many ways, as also the process to implement Modern Management in a Classic on-premises environment. We will learn you how the process and roadmap will be build for modern management in several steps to reach the goal in your company. There are so many scenarios to do this, just like brewing an excellent beer. All the steps to go modern are based on the steps like you would brew Beer. All the tools you could use around Win 10 to accomplish your scenarios to go modern. The tools to have a look at are auto – piloting, Provisioning Packages, 3-Party tools, Co-Management, Windows 10, Windows Insiders for Business, etc.

Kenny Buntinx | With the rapid releases sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest in new features and updates for Configuration Manager Current Branch.
This session will give an overview of those features that you may have missed and how you can start using them in your environment. Mixed with a sneak peek on what features to expect in the near future and this should be the perfect session to kick off your day.

Oliver Kieselbach | We will dive into the new capabilities to deploy Win32 applications in a modern management cloud environment with Microsoft Intune. From end to end including all the inner workings and troubleshooting advices. What can we achieve, where are the limitations and what can we expect for the future. After this session you should be ready to start using this new capability for modern managed environments.

Eric Soldierer | Cloud adoption is on the rise but not all applications and use cases are ready to be moved to the cloud. This creates an environment where data and services are scattered across locations. In this talk I am going to address the question of “How to access both locations securely?”. I demonstrate how Azure Conditional Access and MicroVPN via NetScaler can help you master these challenges.


Trust in Tech – August

Join us for our next event on the 30th August

Talk1 : Using the “bloodhound” for good and evil

Mature companies rate their information and the systems storing this information. I guess everyone agrees that a Domain Controller has a higher criticality (CIA) than a small system hosting a cantina food-plan webserver. But what if an attacker is able to get from this uncritical system to the domain controller in just a few hops using lateral movement and targeted mimikatz to scratch passwords from memory? Also would you solve a vulnerability faster if you would better understand this risk? Within this talk I will show you how to visualise this risk with the tool Bloodhound and how Red Teamers can exploit this knowledge.


Speaker : Stefan Molls

Stefan Molls is Director of Technical Account Management at Tanium, a software framework specialised in managing and securing large enterprise environments. Before joining Tanium he worked at companies like ThyssenKrupp and Siemens were he specialised in Information Security, Incident Response, Forensics and Red Team assessments. If Stefan is not in front of his computer he loves to do martial arts like TaeKwonDo or Boxing.


Talk2 : Managing Team Secrets Effectively

People did a great job in making our deployments secure. We already use automated and secured build pipelines and our Clusters and VMs are locked in.   But there is another integral part which often does not get the appropriate attention: the local developer workflow. Whenever we integrate with 3rd Party APIs or multiple services, credentials of any form are necessary. Surely saving these passwords in plaintext inside a github repository won’t fit the purpose. But would an on premise hosted wiki be safe enough? Or passing around a sticky note with a handwritten password on it?   Any secret that’s ever written to disk or on paper is another attack vector. Not just on production servers or continuous integration, but especially in the developer workflow. If your unencrypted laptop gets stolen or your private source code repository appears to be not so private after all, you’d hope your project’s secrets wouldn’t be compromised.   In this hands-on talk I will show the way we approached this challenge in real world projects using a few simple and automation friendly commandline tools.


Speaker : Jakob Holderbaum

As a Freelance Consultant and Developer, I help customers on site to transform towards an agile approach to Software / Hardware Development. By working together with the existing product team, I can focus on building capabilities in the team while working together on delivering value continuously.




Cologne is be the place to be, the exact Location will be announced soon…

© 2018 Trust in Tech